
[FB] Hotel City Hack 教程

Update@2/4-This hack has been fixed

刚下载的Cheat Engine 5.6,
别慌张,这是愚人节Cheat Engine跟我们开的一个玩笑 ==


免责声明:如果户口被banned,本人一概不负责.如果你害怕,可使用其他户口make hack..

必须工具: Cheat Engine , Firefox (推荐) , Flash 10

Hack Hotel City Coin:
Coin Cheat Steps@www.pwnthis.net:
1. Enter Hotel City
2. Open cheat Engine and select browser in process list
3. (4 bytes, Also scan read only mem). Scan current Coins amount
4. Spend some Coins.
5. Next scan new coin amount. Repeat until only 1 address remains.
6. Change the value to 1000000
( i was able to change it to 70million.
But people are saying they get an error. So try a Smaller value now)
7. You are now 1 million coins richer! Have fun.

Hack Hotel City Level:
EXP Cheat Steps@www.pwnthis.net:
1. Enter Hotel City
2. Open cheat Engine and select browser in process list
3. (4 bytes. Also scan read only mem). Scan current EXP amount
4. Earn some EXP.
5. Next scan new EXP amount. Repeat until only 1 address remains.
6. Change the value to the next exp level requirement - 1.
    EXAMPLE: If you are level 4, you need 1000 exp to reach level 5.
Change the value to 999. Do not skip level as the game will crash. Always change the value to the next level exp requirement -1.
7. You will now level up 1 level. Repeat to continue leveling up.


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